Philadelphia and Bala Cynwyd Therapy Services


Let’s talk about it!

The difference between processing and rumination.

Whether it’s a breakup, something somebody said to you or losing a job, it only makes sense that we’re going to spend some time thinking about it - right?

To deny ourselves the time to sit and process our emotions would of course be unhealthy. But where do we draw the line for ourselves? When are we thinking about it too much? When is it time to say “okay, now what?”

It’s important for your mental health to know the difference between healthy processing and rumination.

Processing involves being aware of identifying and organizing your thoughts, feelings and emotions about the event. Processing is being productive about moving through something uncomfortable.

Ruminating is when we continue to hold onto this event in an unhealthy way; often rumination is caused by confusion about how we’re feeling, a sense of “I could’ve or should’ve”, or feeling like we can still change the situation.

Rumination does more harm than good and can lead to issues like anxiety and depression.

When working through an experience sometimes it can be helpful to simply ask yourself “is thinking about what I’ve been through helping me or hurting me? Is it pushing me through or holding me back? Dependent on how you answer those questions is likely where you’ll find your answer.

If rumination is something you struggle with, a licensed therapist can help! Philadelphia therapist Noam Dinovitz can be reached at 484-278-1230 or

We specialize in anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction issues and more!