Philadelphia and Bala Cynwyd Therapy Services


Let’s talk about it!

Know the difference between empathy and responsibility

In relationships, having empathy is a healthy thing. It’s important to recognize that we all experience life differently and that therefore if someone we care about is experiencing uncomfortable emotions we should acknowledge that.

However, like many areas of mental health there needs to be a healthy balance. In this case, the healthy balance would be between empathizing with somebody and taking responsibility for their experiences.

Boundaries are always important - especially in relationships. So just because we can appreciate why somebody is feeling the way we do, does not mean we are responsible for fixing it.

So ultimately, make sure in a scenario where somebody you care about is experiencing uncomfortable emotions that you are being mindful of the balance between empathising with them and taking responsibility.

Unhealthy boundaries can impact mental health in a plethora of ways. If you feel like you need help in this area seeing a therapist can help!

Philadelphia therapist Noam Dinovitz can be reached at 484-278-1230 or

Specializing in anxiety, depression, relationship issues and substance abuse issues, we see clients in-persona and through telehealth!