Philadelphia and Bala Cynwyd Therapy Services


Let’s talk about it!

Be wary of the comfort that comes with familiarity.

There’s this human phenomenon that most of us are ambivalent about change.

Some people are even more content with staying in a familiar, uncomfortable or unhealthy situation rather than attempt making an unfamiliar change that might improve the situation.

On the surface, one might think that sounds absurd; how can somebody want to stay in a an uncomfortable situation, even if it’s familiar!

But when you think about it, it makes sense that the fear of change can be driven by the fear of the unknown. Maybe the unknown is even worse!

Ultimately, some of the biggest breakthroughs that I’ve seen in the therapy room come from my clients who shake off the comfortability that comes with familiarity. There’s never a guarantee that the change will work out but there is pretty much a guarantee that without entering unfamiliar territory, things will remain the same.

While it’s not always the wisest move to pursue change, be wary of the comfort that comes with familiarity.

If you feel like you’re stuck and are ambivalent about making a change, feel free to reach out to Philadelphia Therapist Noam Dinovitz at 484-278-1230 or